"if your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for the right, even if you stand alone. have the moral courage to be a ligth for others to follow."-thomas S. Monson
What Thomas is trying to say that if you see someone doing something wrong doesnt mean that your going to do something bad too. you always have to be the one to choose the right and not the wrong. you alwys have to stand up for yourself even though no one does. and if people see you do something good they'll probably think that their doing something wrong and they'll have to do the right thing like you did. always be the light moral. and also dont follow the bad things that people do just to look cool. you always have to the right even though someone is doing the wrong always do the right. also be the light to everyone. because iftyour the light to everyine everyone ios going to think your the leader and do the good because your doing the right. sometimes people wont do good because they dont want to and youll probably the only obne thats going to the right. always choose the rigght even if its just you by yourself. this is what i think that Thomas S. Monson is saying. but never follow peoples bad decisons always follow your own decesions. always stick with the people that choose the right not ther wrong.

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