Thursday, November 3, 2016

“He that walketh with wise man shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

What this quote is trying to say is that you shouldn't be with a crowd that isn’t going to be bring nothing good. You always have to pick the right thing to do. Your choices have to be wise in order for them to be good. Always hang out with people that help you out and make you do the right things to do. In my opinion you should always pick good choices to make yourself a better person. And always push the people that make you do wrong thing they shall be destroyed. So always make the good choice and pick the right people to be with. Also pick the people that will give you positive vibes. Always be concern about yourself. I say if you are choosing the wrong then you should make a wise choice to choose the right. You always have to choose the right in order to have a good life. For example if I’m getting bad grades i should stop and settle myself to get  good grades. Also if I’m hanging around with the wrong people i should stop and cut them off because they won't bring nothing good in my life. Another choice is the video i saw the boy was hanging around with the wrong crowd and he wouldn't do good at school his grades were bad. So he lets all the people and things that brought bad to him.he always wanted to make his father proud by getting good grades and graduating. so then he started to do great in school his grades were good and he was making his father proud. At the end he got his high school diploma and made his father really proud of his effort.

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