“When you tell one Lie, it leads to another” - Paul Hatch
What Paul Hatch is trying to say is that if you tell one lie it might take you another one. When you tell a lie it's going to lead you to another one. That's why you never lie because if you do you have to respond to the consequences that you’ll get. That's why never lie because you're going to get in so much problems with people. So if you lie all your lies are going to accuminate and you're going to get in so much problems. If someone finds out about a lie you're saying then the people are going to make more and more lies about you. That’s why you always have to say the truth. If you tell someone a lie then it's going to lead you to more. One day all your lies are going to come out and you're going to get into so much problems with the people and all the lies are going to lead to you. That's why always make sure that you don't tell lie to anyone. Always keep it real towards people. And always tell the truth about anything. Don't keep lies to yourself because you never know when they could come out.
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