class evaluation
what i liked about this class writing my life planning goals.what i like about writing my goals is because their going to be needed one day. i write my goals there because i could look back and accomplish them one day or check them off if i already accomplished them. another one is because Mr.Haymore teaches us how to choose the right. he also wants us to be successful in life.
one thing i didn't like about this class is that we have to sit in order and not with are friends. i don't have nothing else that i don't like about this class.
one thing that i recommend for this class is to have a CTR card check every friday or the last day when we have a class with you. the reason i want this to happen is for us the students could be responsible and have are things with us. another thing is for us to share our life planning goals.
My highlight for this class is in choosing the right. i have a lot of highlights in this class. one of them is getting my goals in life in this class. it also showed me in how to be a CTR also helped me how to type so much faster and without looking. and also to obey and choose the right 24/7.
i really tried my best in this class.yes I am reading my life planning goals i read them to see what goals i have accomplish and which ones i need to accomplish.i report my goals every time i have this class. i have 250 goals in my notebook. i'm really committed to be a CTR student.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
This video is about a high school class that was really honest. Their was a girl that wanted one of her peers to pass her one of the answers for her test. The girl that had the answer looked at the teacher and looked back at the girl that needed the answer and said no. the girl was trying to do something good to help the girl not to cheat because cheating isn't going to bring nothing good. In the other case there were college students studying for medicine. They had a test and they decided to cheat. They started to bring out a little paper with all the answers. They were all about to cheat. So this guy stood up and told them that that's bad. He was saying if he sees someone cheating he was going to take their paper away. So then everyone put their papers away and started to do their work the way they had to without cheating.
“When you tell one Lie, it leads to another” - Paul Hatch
What Paul Hatch is trying to say is that if you tell one lie it might take you another one. When you tell a lie it's going to lead you to another one. That's why you never lie because if you do you have to respond to the consequences that you’ll get. That's why never lie because you're going to get in so much problems with people. So if you lie all your lies are going to accuminate and you're going to get in so much problems. If someone finds out about a lie you're saying then the people are going to make more and more lies about you. That’s why you always have to say the truth. If you tell someone a lie then it's going to lead you to more. One day all your lies are going to come out and you're going to get into so much problems with the people and all the lies are going to lead to you. That's why always make sure that you don't tell lie to anyone. Always keep it real towards people. And always tell the truth about anything. Don't keep lies to yourself because you never know when they could come out.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Patrick Kearon was saying that he was in a night camp with his parents. Patrick wanted to go for a walk.and his parents always told him to wear shoes but that day he decided not to wear his shoes but his sandals. He thought that the sandals were going to protect his feet which they didn’t. He walking in the desert on his own when he felt that something stung him. He immediately felt the pain in his whole leg. So he yelled as hard as possible for his parents to hear. His parents saw him in the floor and panicked and ran towards patrick. Patrick was in so much pain. The parents immediately took him to the nearest hospital which was 2 hrs away from where they were at. The parents were panicking in seeing his child in a deadly pain. Patrick felt like he was dying. Then they rushed him to the hospital for the doctor to attend them. When the doctor was attending them he immediately put a shot that is similar to anesthesia for his leg to get numb and not feel the pain of the stung. The Patrick couldn't feel the pain any more. I think that patrick should now listen to his parents when they tell him to wear shoes. Patrick should've chosen the right by him listening to his parents and putting his shoes on. I think from now on he should choose the right.
“Always do right “ -Mark Twain
“It's better to be alone than to be in bad company.”
World war II
World war II is known as the second world war. It was also a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1995. There were already early related conflicts that began earlier. It also involved the vast majority of the world’s nations that were included all the great powers. Eventually they were forming two opposing military alliances the allies and the axis. They directly involved more than 100 million people from over the 30 countries. In a state of total war the major participants threw their entire economic. Marked by mass deaths of civilians including the holocaust. 11 million people were killed.
World war II was fought between two groups of countries. On one of the sides there were the axis of power. It was including Germany,Italy and japan. On the other side there were the allies.They included the Britain, France,Australia,Canada, New Zealand, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States Of America.
World War II took place across the globe. The action took place in Europe, Asia, and islands in the pacific ocean. Others were seen in places as far away as Madagascar and the Aleutian Islands.
The major events that happened during World War ll. The event was when hitler invaded in september 1939. France and Britain declared war on Germany. After the conquering poland, Germany attacked France. Then France fell in june 1940. Then soon the Nazis overran the rest of Europe and the North Africa.
Reflection: we could honor them by having a moment of silence for them.
- Can people trust me to do whats right?
- Am i committed to doing my very best?
- Do i treat people the way i want to be treated ?
“If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fall.”- Lou Holtz
What Lou is trying to say is that if any of these questions are yes you're doing the right because their is no way you'll fail if all these questions are yes. You always have to have people trusting on you. For you can b e known as a person that everyone trusts in. also you have to committed by the very best. If you commit yourself to do something you need to do it. Not later on say you can't do it because if you commit yourself then you have to do it and with your very best. Yes i treat people the way i want to be treated. I always treat people with respect because i like people having respect towards me. If someone gives me attitude do not think i'm going to treat you good because i won't treat you good i'll treat you the same way or worse than you treated me.
“Kindness is the essence of greatness”- Joseph B. Wirthlin
What Joseph is trying to say is that kindness is a great. For Example you have to be kind to be great. I'm a really kind person so for that reason i have greatness. When your kind you get back greatness. The reason why you should be kind is for people to know you as a good person not a bad one. People will know that you're a great person because you're showing kindness. Kindness has to be shown for people to have you respect. Once you show kindness you will get the great additude of the people.
Health science librarian
Individual's interest in becoming a medical librarian must have to complete 4-year baccalaureate program in any discipline they pick. The most common majors for health science librarians including biology.
Duties and responsibilities: a health science librarian conducts in depth research on different medical topics in order to find the latest information available. These librarians are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical.
Salary: $66,622 per year and for a low average of $52,293 and for a high average of $116,200 per year.
Education: you will need to have a bachelor’s of science degree in library science or health science. Many of the medical librarians have a master’s degree in library science. You can also pursue if you have already earned a bachelor’s degree in a related field.
Demand or need for this profession:
Thanksgiving week
My thanksgiving week was so fun. The reason in why my thanksgiving week was fun is because it was my birthday week. My birthday was on Nov.23 which was on a wednesday. On wednesday i went to my salon and practice for my 15 which was on saturday. Then i went home with all my 15 court and cut a cake and eat pizza with them. It was a stressful week for me because i was trying to organize everything for my 15. Then on thanksgiving my family maden dinner. And we all ate together and have fun. Then on saturday was the big day. It was Nov.26 and it was the big day where i was going to have my big party. It was so fun spending time with family, friends. A Lot of people and it was so fun. I really enjoyed my thanksgiving week.
Friday, November 18, 2016
“Manners maketh man “ - William Wykeham
Manners are important to have because that’s what people pay attention into a person. Manners describes a person. Also in how their parents educated them. People should always have manners towards people. Their is some people that don't have manners at all and are so rude. You learn manners from your parents because they're the ones that are responsible to teach you them. In this case always show your good manner towards the people for they could know how your parents educated at home. Also manners show how you are a person. For Example gentlemans have manners because they know how to treat womens. In my personal experience people always tell me that i'm well educated. When i take my mom to parents conference they always say good stuff about me. They always say that i'm nice, helpful, respectful and kind. My teachers always compliment me and my mom. They tell me that i have good manners. And they tell my mom that she's a good mother because she taught me well. Manners come from what they teach you at home you don't learn by yourself. You have to have an example of someone that has manners in order for you to get taught well in what manners are. So i do agree with William Wykeham because you do need to have good manners
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
“ if it is not right do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.” - Marcus Aurelius
What Marcus is trying to say is to not false say something. So if you're doing something wrong do not do it. And if something isn't true then don't say it. Pretty much is saying not to lie or do things that wrong to do. So if your friends are telling you to break a window and you know that's bad then don't do it. First you don’t suppose to do it because it’s wrong and you don’t suppose to be doing that in the first place. Also if people are saying rumors about people and you know it’s not true then don't believe them and start saying it to. You just have to stay quiet and not say anything because then you never know if they were lying and you're saying something isn’t true so you're pretty much going to be lying so don't do it. I agree to Marcus because if you know that you're not doing the right thing then don't do it because you'll get in so much trouble. And if you hear something that someone is saying about you or someone that you know don't listen to it because their is a 100% chance that their lying to you.
Thanksgiving or thanksgiving day is a public holiday to celebrate the fourth Thursday in November. In the united states it was a originated as a harvest festival. It has been celebrated as a federal holiday every since 1863. During the civil war president Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of “thanksgiving and paradise tom our beneficent father who dwelleth in the heavens” to celebrate the last Thursday in november.
- Thankful for having my family united
- Thankful for having a mom
- Thankful for having the people that care about me.
- Thankful for having a meal in my table
- Thankful for having for still being alive
- Thankful for having the people i love the most with me
- Thankful for having a house to sleep in
- Thankful for having a bestfriend like pricilla
- Thankful for having my fans & their support
- Thankful for having shown love
- Thankful for having my phone
- Thankful for having all the love that my family & friends give me.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” - Henry Ward Beecher
What henry is saying is that is that your standards have to be higher than anyone else. You always have to have yourself in a higher standard that no one will expect you to have. Dont never bring yourself down. Always motivate yourself to put your standards higher than they suppose to. For Example always put your standards higher than anyone else. People will always think that you can’t have higher standards than them. So you always have to prove them wrong. Always surprise people with your standards. For example i always try to have higher standards than people just because i feel good about it. People sometimes don’t believe on you but then you have to prove them wrong and surprise them. So i do agree with Henry because you should always have higher standards than anyone else. And always set higher standards than anyone else. And never excuse yourself and be lazy.
Veterans Day
Veterans day is a public held on the anniversary of the end of world war 1. The day was November 11. Veterans Day was made to honor the U.S veterans victims of all wars.
- What is veterans Day? It’s a Holiday that we celebrate to honor the the US veterans.
- When is it? It’s November 11
- What is the purpose of Veterans day ?the purpose is to celebrate the victims of world war1.
- Why is it important to show honor and respect on Veterans Day? It’s important to show honor and respect because they did everything possible to serve for our country.
- List several ways to show honor and respect on veterans day.
- Have a moment of silence for the victims that died that day
- Show that you appreciate that day
Reflection: I’m thankful to have people that served our country and for are freedom. And appreciated them more because they a lot of help in our country.
Monday, November 7, 2016
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity:
- Have the courage to say no.
- Have the courage to face the truth.
- Do the right thing because it is right.
-W. Clement stone
What Clement is trying to say is that you have to learn how to have courage . And also you have to have courage to say no to things . for example if someone is telling you to go and steal the bank you have to learn how to say no because that will not bring consequences. And if you did something bad you need to face the truth not lie and say you didn’t do anything because that not a good thing to do because you’re lying. Another thing is that you need to do right because it’s the right. For example always do the right thing because you want not because you’re force to do it. Always use the 3 magic keys for you could live your life with integrity. You have to use these 3 magic keys to live a better life. You’re going to have your life with right things.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
“He that walketh with wise man shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
What this quote is trying to say is that you shouldn't be with a crowd that isn’t going to be bring nothing good. You always have to pick the right thing to do. Your choices have to be wise in order for them to be good. Always hang out with people that help you out and make you do the right things to do. In my opinion you should always pick good choices to make yourself a better person. And always push the people that make you do wrong thing they shall be destroyed. So always make the good choice and pick the right people to be with. Also pick the people that will give you positive vibes. Always be concern about yourself. I say if you are choosing the wrong then you should make a wise choice to choose the right. You always have to choose the right in order to have a good life. For example if I’m getting bad grades i should stop and settle myself to get good grades. Also if I’m hanging around with the wrong people i should stop and cut them off because they won't bring nothing good in my life. Another choice is the video i saw the boy was hanging around with the wrong crowd and he wouldn't do good at school his grades were bad. So he lets all the people and things that brought bad to him.he always wanted to make his father proud by getting good grades and graduating. so then he started to do great in school his grades were good and he was making his father proud. At the end he got his high school diploma and made his father really proud of his effort.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The Gainesville tornadoes thanked their unexpected fans
what happend in the short clip we saw was about that their are students in some what a prisin school because their is no way out. it a school that is well educated that are trying to make them a good student. they play few times year basketball. when they play basketball they never have people supporting them. its usually just them playing with no one cheering for them. until another school and they brought people with them so when the tornadoes entered the gym they saw people there. amd the supporters were from the other school but they switched to cheer for the other team which was the tornadoes. the kids were happy with people cheering for them. they asked kids that isn't it better that their is no one to cheer for them and they answered that is wrong because a game is for peole to cheer and show support. and they also said that they need people to see them and to share their mistakes. they all said that they will always have that moment in their head. that was the best day for them. they didn't even know who one because it didn't really matter to them because they were really happy. they were also really thankful towards the other team because they came and brought support to cheer them all. so it didn't matter who was the winner or the looser is that they had fun. they were happy for the end result because they had supporters and they felt really happy.
“The best recreation is to do good” - William Penn
What william penn is trying to say that the best recreation is to do good. You always have to do good in anything. Doing good is always a good recreation. It’s a good recreation because it feels good to be good. I would always do a good recreation. The best recreation is to always do good as a recreation. It makes you feel good about it. For example people should have a good recreation to make them feel happy about it. That will be a good recreation because you’re creating something that will make someone feel good. So always recreate something that will make you happy and feel good about it. So change someone with a bad attitude to someone with a good attitude. And make that person feel good about themselves.
Friday, October 28, 2016
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” - William penn
What william penn is saying is that you're right even if people say you aren’t. People are always going to be against you when you right. And if you're wrong and everyone is for it. It will still be wrong. If it’s wrong no one should be for it because it not correct. But people are always going to say your wrong when your actually right just to bring you down. They will be against you and say is wrong when it’s actually right. Then also when you're wrong they're going to say your not. The reason why I agree with William Penn is because people are always going to say your wrong when you're actually not.
- Music
- loya
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
"dont sacrafice what you want the most for what you want now. write down that you want and see it often."- peter vidmar
what peter vidmar is trying to say is that you shouldn't sacriface something you've been wanting to do for something you want now. you should what you've been dreaming to do. for example if you want to be a singer since you were small and still wan to do it. do it. and if some friends invite you to go party but you could only do one don;t sacrifice something big for something small. also you should have a goal journal for it could help you accom-plish your goals. for example you write down your goals to look through them and see which one you need to accomplish. that whay never sacrifice something you want since a long time for something you want just now. always write down your goals for ti to be easier to see which you want. i agree to Peter Vidmar because because you should always pay more attention to your most old goals because those are the ones you've been wanting to do for a long time. and to not go for your most recent goals because maybe you might no enjoy those goals. i would acrually go to my old goals because that's what ive been wanting to do. so i would'nt want to sacrifice my old goals.
what peter vidmar is trying to say is that you shouldn't sacriface something you've been wanting to do for something you want now. you should what you've been dreaming to do. for example if you want to be a singer since you were small and still wan to do it. do it. and if some friends invite you to go party but you could only do one don;t sacrifice something big for something small. also you should have a goal journal for it could help you accom-plish your goals. for example you write down your goals to look through them and see which one you need to accomplish. that whay never sacrifice something you want since a long time for something you want just now. always write down your goals for ti to be easier to see which you want. i agree to Peter Vidmar because because you should always pay more attention to your most old goals because those are the ones you've been wanting to do for a long time. and to not go for your most recent goals because maybe you might no enjoy those goals. i would acrually go to my old goals because that's what ive been wanting to do. so i would'nt want to sacrifice my old goals.
Homecoming is a “coming home” celebrations. The characteristics is a football game ,dances . they unite the whole school to have a strong sense of school pride. It’s a welcome back to students and celebrating the school’s existence. This tradition is in many high schools and colleges in the United States.
My opinion in homecoming is that it’s cute and fun for the students. I feel like homecoming is good to unite the whole school together.
Monday, October 24, 2016
“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life” - coach K
What coach K is trying to say that is better to have a good name. If you have a good name you’ll be able to do anything you want. So always choose the right to have a good name. And if you choose the wrong you’ll have a bad name. So you pick your name and the life you want to have. So you’ll have to have to have a good name to have a good life. And if you have a bad life then you have a bad name. For example you have to have achieve everything in order to have a good life. Coach k is a good example because he has a good name and in return he has more than 1,000. I agree what coach k is saying of having a good name and having a good life.
“Global opportunities careers in other countries”
It’s difficult to be a pharmacist in france. The first thing you need to be a pharmacist in france you need a work visa. On the other hand pharmacist are always needed. They are mostly needed when the number of old people are constantly increasing and all the factors. So they think that pharmacists are badly touched unemployment. You have to keep in mind that you have to speak fluent french
Reflection: i don’t think ill like to be a pharmacist in france no more. I feel like its a really hard job because i don’t know how to talk fluent french.
Friday, October 14, 2016
"if your so called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for the right, even if you stand alone. have the moral courage to be a ligth for others to follow."-thomas S. Monson
What Thomas is trying to say that if you see someone doing something wrong doesnt mean that your going to do something bad too. you always have to be the one to choose the right and not the wrong. you alwys have to stand up for yourself even though no one does. and if people see you do something good they'll probably think that their doing something wrong and they'll have to do the right thing like you did. always be the light moral. and also dont follow the bad things that people do just to look cool. you always have to the right even though someone is doing the wrong always do the right. also be the light to everyone. because iftyour the light to everyine everyone ios going to think your the leader and do the good because your doing the right. sometimes people wont do good because they dont want to and youll probably the only obne thats going to the right. always choose the rigght even if its just you by yourself. this is what i think that Thomas S. Monson is saying. but never follow peoples bad decisons always follow your own decesions. always stick with the people that choose the right not ther wrong.

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